Bachelor/Bachelorette Parties

paintball lappeenranta


Are you planning to arrange a Bachelor/Bachelorette party in the region of Lappeenranta? We have plenty of chill and more eventful activities on our repertoire. Glide on the waves of Saimaa with standup paddleboards, challenge each other to a bubble football match or wear helmets for a joyous paintball match. The dusts of an eventful day can be rinsed off in our sauna or sauna raft. 

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Polttarit Savitaipale

Mietinnässä polttaripäivän ohjelma? Savitaipaleella polttariporukalla on runsaasti vaihtoehtoja. Päivän voi viettää vauhdikkaan paintball-värikuulapelin, hullunhauskan kuplafutiksen tai tasapainoa haastavat SUP-lautailun parissa. Metsään mielivä polttariseurue voi ottaa alleen sähköavusteiset läskipyörät ja suunnata merkitylle reitille joko ohjatun safarin tai omatoimipyöräilyn merkeissä. Luonto ja yhdessäolo tarjoavat unohtumattomia elämyksiä!

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Thinking about the program for a bachelor party? At Savitaipale you will have plenty of options. You can spend the day playing paintball, bubble football or standup paddleboarding. If you wish to venture into the woods, you can hop on electric fatbikes and head for a marked route with or without guidance. The nature and being with people you care for will make up for an unforgettable experience! 

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corporate event e-fatbike

 Tykkimäki Resort

Spend an eventful Bachelor day in the scenery of Tykkimäki Resort! You can go standup paddleboarding to the waves of Käyrälampi or hop on e-fatbikes and explore the area with the bride/groom-to-be. After these activities you can carry on with the day in the water park.

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