Saimaan Palju Events


Saimaan Palju Events is an adventure services company that operates in South Karelia, in the region of Kouvola and in Repovesi national park. In Kouvola our activity and rental services are located in connection with Tykkimäki Resort. Our main products are sauna raft cruises, bachelor parties, workplace wellbeing events and guided bike tours. Entrepreneur of Saimaan Palju is a 41-year-old Teemu Virtanen. He takes interest in multiple sports and exercises  first and foremost according to his vibes. This calm entrepreneur enjoys moving in nature so his work and free time go hand in hand. 

Teemu began renting out hot tubs as a side hustle and soon the sales and the demand grew exponentially. He decided to start renting hot tubs and selling experiences as a full-time business due to the contagious happiness of the customers. The best part of doing business is to bring and get good vibes, one might even get hooked on it. Teemu can be found helping and guiding customers to the best of his ability because for him the customers are the most important.

saimaan palju teemu virtanen

Vastuullisuus, juostavuus ja helposti lähestyttävyys kuuluvat Teemun arvoihin, sekä näkyvät yritystoiminnassa. Luonnossa ollessa roskat lajitellaan, ja tarvikkeita sekä resursseja käytetään vain tarpeiden mukaan. Paljujen pesuvedet johdetaan viemäriverkkoon eikä päästetä luontoon. Yksi ylpeydenaiheista on pääsääntöisesti aurinkoenergialla toimiva Saunalautta, moottoreita lukuun ottamatta. 

Saimaan Palju vastaa asiakkaiden hauskanpidosta ohjelmallisella osuudella. Tarjolla on monipuolisesti laadukkaita aktiviteetteja extreme-lajeista rauhallisempiin retkiin niin kokeilunhaluun, tyky-päiviin tai vaikkapa juhliin. Kokemuksissa tärkeintä on pitää hauskaa hyvässä seurassa, kauniiden järvimaisemien ympäröimänä, eikä aikaisempaa kokemusta tarvitse olla. Saatat jopa löytää uuden harrastuksen luonnon äärellä, sekä saada uusia kokemuksia.

Responsibility, flexibility and approachability are important values of Teemu that can be seen in his business. Trash found in the nature gets recycled and resources are used only according to need. Greywater from hot tubs is directed to sewerage system instead of draining it to the nature. One of the sources of  our pride is the sauna raft that runs on solar energy excluding the engines. 

Saimaan Palju takes charge of the fun of the customers. We have many diverse, good quality activities available, from extreme sports to more relaxed treks, and for many different needs: experimentation, workplace activities or different kinds of parties. The most important part of the experience is to have fun in beautiful landscapes and in good company. Previous experience is not needed. You might even find a new hobby by the nature and get new experiences.


At Saimaan palju you can easily try out new things and activities. We are flexible and strive to fulfill the cutomers wishes. A happy customer is a priority for Saimaan Palju.

Text by Veera Kurkinen, Salla Forsström, Roosa Kuitunen and Aino Ripatti as a part of their hospitality management studies in LAB University of Applied Sciences - Saimaan Palju thanks for the smooth collaboration!