Hammoc relaxation


Welcome to relax in the Finnish nature.

Step in to the forest with us the feel the relaxing power of the nature. Our trek starts with sense and relaxing  exercises. There exercises will gradually lead you to the right mood of relaxations and helps you to let go of the busy life behind. During these excesises we will be walking in the forest toward the high light og the trek, hammoc relaxation. While laying in the hammoc you can feel the wind and just look at the sky and tree tops. This is time for relaxing and letting go the busy modern  lifestyle. Simple but effective 🙂


Price: 40€/person
Duration: 2h, in the hammocs about 30min
Includes: Guide, exercises, plankets, hammocs and local VAT
Aveilability: May-Septeber
Minimum group size: 6 persons, or payment according to 6 people.
Limitation: We will be walking in the forest outside paths aproximatly 2 kilomerters
Guide language: Finnish and English
Location: Around Kouvolassa, Savitaipale tai Lappeenranta -area
What should I bring: Clothing proper for the weather, own packpack to carry hammoc and plankets plus your personal drinking water



Price: 40€/person
Duration: 2h, in the hammocs about 30min
Includes: Guide, exercises, plankets, hammocs and local VAT
Aveilability: May-Septeber
Minimum group size: 6 persons, or payment according to 6 people.
Limitation: We will be walking in the forest outside paths aproximatly 2 kilomerters
Guide language: Finnish and English
Location: Around Kouvolassa, Savitaipale tai Lappeenranta -area
What should I bring: Clothing proper for the weather, own packpack to carry hammoc and plankets plus your personal drinking water